[addRecord=v|c r|r] adds the current record of ‘r’ to database ‘c’

[commit v|C=v|c ~d|Y]

Updates C with all the records in c.  If ~d|Y included then it updates the local copy of the DB

[copy ^|a.b|=^|a.c|] straight copy with no formating checks

[copyRecord v|d=v|s]

Adds all the entries in the current record of vector s into vector d.

[deleteRecord=v|c t||a.b|] deletes the record with tag ^|a.b| from database ‘c’

[makeDateList=v|d s|startDate e|endDate p|Days/Weeks/Months/Years i|3]

Dates need to be SQL formats and p|Days i|3 would be every 3rd day.

expected format [makelist=v|c h|^ab s|,] where ^ab is a list separated by ‘,’
use “s|LINES” for line by line
creates new list with vector c filled with records with ‘0’ as key, unless ~t|Y when _tag is set
if already exist then removes current entries
adds a tag record in case needed later

s|CSV to convert a CSV file (long string) to a list
f|fieldname1:filedname2: etc defines the fieldnames to use, if not stated assumes first line to read are the fieldnames

~l|2 start reading on line 2 top line is line (0)
~f|Fieldname1:fieldname2 etc checks that these fieldname exist, if not will stop and alert.

[maxValue ^|a.a|=v|c f|field] Loads highest integer value of field from database c into ^|a.a|

[numrecs ^|a.a|=v|c] Loads the number of records in database c into ^|a.a|

[selectFrom=v|c f|field1::field2::field3 s|search field t|title ~m|N n|Y]

Brings up a selection window with one row per database ‘c’ record. Only shows the fields listed in f|. If a search field is entered then the user can filter the displayed records.
Options of m| for multiple selections and n| for allows a null selection, both default YES

[setcurv=v|c] Sets the current vector. Any hats in the format ^|:.afield| will look for this vector.

[setIndexes=v|c i|tag1,tag2,tag3 s|,] Sets the indexes to action of a database to those records with tags in i| s|is the separator to use.
If ~i|Y is set then the indexes are initialised with none set

[setrecn ^|a.a|=v|c t|tag] Sets the current record of database c to that with the tag in t|. Loads record number into ^|a.a| with -1 for a failure


[setrecn ^|a.a|=v|c f|field V|value] Sets the current record of database c to that with a ‘field’ equalling ‘value’. Loads record number into ^|a.a| with -1 for a failure


[setrecn ^|a.a|=v|c n|1] Sets the current record of database c to that a record number of 1. Loads record number into ^|a.a| with -1 for a failure


[setrecn ^|a.a|=v|c ~s|YES] Sets the current record of database c to the first selected index. Loads record number into ^|a.a| with -1 for a failure

[sort=v|d f|field1:field2 ~a|Y] sort database d by fields in sequence order f|. ~a| ascending(Y or N) default N

[updateDB=v|c c|aCoblet f|d or i]

takes the current record for vector c and update a displayed database.  If c| included it does that associated DB View, or if not the mainJob of the coblet in use. Default is to update, f|d deletes f|inserts

[updateRecord=v|c r|r] update current record of database c with values in r – doesn’t rub out values not included