[showAssets=v|c a|action1::action2 t|asset1::asset2 f|asset field s|status1:color1::status2:color2]

shows a monthly asset usage chart for the nominated assets. Database must use fields: date (SQL), duration (days), label, status, preBuffer (days), postBuffer (days)
the asset will show as ‘booked’ for the combined preBuffer – duration – postBuffer interval

[showCalendar=v|c a|main action1::main action 2 d|detailed action1::detailed action 2 c|columns f|column field for detail s|status1:color1::status2:color2 o|opening hours i|interval]

calendar entries in database c, must have fields time, date, calTitle and calContent – status is optional, but a standard name
if c| is included the detail views has columns and bookings are placed by their column field (i.e. rooms for a party or stylists at a hairdressers)
status colours as 6 digit hex colours

[showDatabase=v|c V|C m|main action1::main action 2 d c|main fields f|detail fields s|search field t|title]
can also include [….P|field W|value C|!= or ==…] which will filter the records shown

A column definition (c|) command can have 4 arguments. If is has ….

1              the name of the field – it will be capitalised as a column name

2              The column label and the name of the field

3              The column name, field and the percentage of width

4              The column name, field, the percentage of width and the type of data (currently only date or text)

[showEmail=e|email Record v|selected records t|email template vector N|to fields e.g. firstname:lastname E|email fields e.g. email:email2]

the email record must have the following fields:

addresses – can be actual email addresses separated by ‘;’ or the word GROUP, if the latter must have field

the email record can have the following fields:

emailBody – plain text content of email
template – tag of email template

[showEvents=v|event database b|booking database a|main action1::main action 2 s|status1:color1::status2:color2]

events entries in database must have fields start (SQL), end (SQL), diary (booking DB name), title, status. Can have amount (float)
status colours as 6 digit hex colours